In today’s world, having solid computer skills is essential for getting ahead in the job market and landing your ideal career. Being able to utilize a computer and a variety of basic software applications efficiently will offer you an advantage over other job applicants and demonstrate to employers that you can hit the ground running with your remarkable computer abilities.
However, it might be difficult to determine what companies are searching for these days, as well as which computer abilities would have the most influence on your resume.
We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 Basic Computerskills we believe you’ll need to succeed in 2022! Make 2022 the year you get your dream career and conquer the computer!
Top 10 Basic Computer skills
1. The fundamentals of Microsoft Word
Because Microsoft Office is used in almost every household, office, and educational institution, knowing how to use Microsoft Word to generate Word documents is essential. Microsoft Word makes it simple to produce documents for personal use as well as documents that can be shared with other team members quickly and effortlessly. Even if you don’t do much writing in your day-to-day employment, knowing how to use Microsoft Word confidently when you need to is critical.
You should be able to create and save documents, modify documents, format text and paragraphs, and add things like tables and images to your documents to make them more aesthetically attractive at a basic level.
2. Use Microsoft Word to collaborate with others.
You should be able to use Microsoft Word for your personal requirements, but it’s also a good idea to know how to work collaboratively with others in order to make the process run as smoothly.
This entails understanding how to utilize tools like track changes and highlighting your adjustments using the comment option. Others will be able to see the changes you’ve made and accept or reject them more easily as a result of this. It also makes it easy to maintain track of all the document’s versions so you can go back to an older one if necessary.
Learn how to operate with Microsoft Word at a higher level with Microsoft Word Advanced course.
3. Microsoft Excel fundamentals
If you know how to use Microsoft Excel correctly, it may be a very powerful spreadsheet tool, but if you don’t know how to use it, it can rapidly become complex and overwhelming. You should be able to create a file and set up your spreadsheet to include the data you want with ease in order to feel comfortable using Microsoft Excel. You should also be able to save your work on a frequent basis to avoid losing any modifications you have made.
It’s also beneficial to be able to handle several sheets inside a single Microsoft Excel document and to know how to connect your sheets together. Finally, you should be able to format your Microsoft Excel documents in a way that makes them legible and understandable.
Also Read: Why is Cybersecurity Important?
4. Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions
In addition to basic spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel allows you to build formulae and functions that make your spreadsheets much simpler to handle. A formula is a mathematical phrase that calculates a cell’s value. Functions are pre-programmed formulae that are already present in Excel.
Using formulae and functions, your spreadsheet will be able to do complex calculations in a matter of seconds, all without adding any more work to your plate. When you use formulas and functions, you won’t have to recalculate your results every time you add new data to a sheet since Microsoft Excel will automatically incorporate it and show you with the results.
Formulas and functions may be used to achieve things like:
- Add the totals of a set of cells together.
- Calculate the number of characters or words in a set of cells.
- Calculate the average of cells
- Count the number of cells in a specified range that exclusively contain numbers.
- Examine the state of the cells in your spreadsheet.
- Fill in the blanks in the cells.
- In a set of numbers, find the maximum and least values.
5. Using Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables and Charts
If you’re using Microsoft Excel to produce sheets full of relevant data, you should know how to take that data and turn it into visual representations. This will make your Microsoft Excel papers simpler to comprehend, and others who haven’t dealt with them before will be able to extract the key information without having to read the full sheet.
Using pivot tables and pivot charts in Microsoft Excel, you may quickly see your data. To create a desired report, use a pivot table to organize and summarize chosen columns and rows from your Microsoft Excel sheet. This allows you to concentrate on the critical information that has to be communicated to others while separating it from the rest of the information in your spreadsheet.
Pivot charts enable you to put this more focused data into a chart or graph, allowing you to view the information your spreadsheet is attempting to express in seconds. When you’re dealing with enormous quantities of critical data and merely need to get across a summarized version to display the outcomes of your study, pivot tables and charts come in handy.
6. Microsoft PowerPoint fundamentals
Microsoft PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful application that you can use to quickly and easily produce professional-looking presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint has a variety of slide formats, effects, and animations that may be used to create stunning presentations. You can even develop templates to guarantee that all of your presentations have the same design and are of the same high quality.
Microsoft PowerPoint presentations are excellent visual assistance for meetings, as well as a powerful sales tool for discussing your product offering to customers. They may be shared online during meetings or forwarded to others through email, making them a very adaptable tool.
To guarantee that you make outstanding presentations every time, you should feel competent making basic presentations, adding photos and objects to your presentations, and adding transitions to your slides.
7. Microsoft Outlook fundamentals
Microsoft Outlook is a strong email client, and if your company utilizes Microsoft Office for other purposes, it’s likely that they’ll use Microsoft Outlook as well. You must have the confidence and ability to utilize Microsoft Outlook properly in order to deal with any emails that come your way swiftly and efficiently.
This means you should be able to write new emails, BCC and CC individuals in them, attach files to them, search your inbox, utilize your out-of-office function, and manage your junk mail so it doesn’t load up your inbox.
8. Keep track of your responsibilities
You must be able to manage your projects and workload on your computer, even if you prefer a paper to-do list. To assign tasks to team members and receive a thorough overview of all remaining activities in a department, your company and team are likely to use task management tools like Trello or Asana.
You must be able to utilize these online task tools to stay on top of your own work and tick them off as you complete them so that your boss is aware of your progress. You should also be able to see a list of other jobs in your department so that you know when the output you’re waiting for is anticipated to be completed.
Overall, being able to utilize online scheduling tools will improve the efficiency of your whole department.
9. Making Use of Your Calendar
It’s crucial to know how to utilize an online calendar, whether it’s your Outlook calendar or your Google calendar, in order to stay organized. Your firm will have a preferred online calendar, and everyone should use it to guarantee a uniform calendar display across the organization.
When it comes to online calendars, you’ll need to utilize your computer abilities to perform things like block off your time, schedule meetings, invite people, and cancel and update appointments as required.
10.Video Conferencing
Another crucial computer skill in 2022 is video conferencing, which is becoming more important as more people work from home. This requires familiarity with video conferencing applications like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Skype, as well as the ability to participate in video conferences.
Video conferencing may include sharing your screen with others or even presenting a presentation online, in addition to video phone conversations.
To guarantee that your team meetings and presentations flow as well as if you were in the room, you must feel comfortable utilizing video conferencing software. Participating in video conferences might be intimidating at first, but after you get the hang of the program, they’re no different from in-person meetings.TAGGEDBASIC COMPUTER SKILLSCOMPUTER SKILLSMICROSOFT EXCELMICROSOFT WORD